Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is an evidence-based coordinated approach to health care that supports the self-healing process and focuses on addressing the root cause of illness rather than simply treating or suppressing symptoms. The treatment plans are tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient and reflect whole person healthcare.

Dr. Megan Ding is a board-certified naturopathic doctor, whose aim is to find the root cause of your symptoms and treat the whole person with natural medicine.

Dr. Ding will complete a comprehensive medical intake to gain information about existing health concerns, present symptoms, past medical history, current medications, and supplements, daily dietary patterns, and general lifestyle habits. Recent lab work performed by other health practitioners will be reviewed if available. Additional lab work may be performed depending on each individual. Based on the information obtained during the intake, Dr. Ding will formulate a detailed treatment plan using natural therapies that specifically address the patient’s health concerns. *Initial visit may be separated into 2 parts to allow for lab ordering.

Dr. Megan Ding is a board-certified naturopathic doctor, whose aim is to find the root cause of y... Read More

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